As a live artist and DJ, Patrik Eriksson’s work as Dold oftenexplores the evolving landscape of dance music with one eyesharply focused on its truest forms. Hailing from Stockholm,Eriksson built up his reputation alongside live performancepartner Kuf. The pair set up Arsenik Records in 2015, creating avital platform to develop their vision of 21st-century techno ontheir own terms.Now over 20 releases deep the label has flourished to showcasethe work of like-minded, established and emergent producers.Led to new opportunities appearing on some of the mostrespected labels around, including regular collaboration withBlue Hour and outings on KEY vinyl, Token and Fabric as well asLive and DJ performances across Europe.Positioned at the forefront of the European techno scene, Doldcombines his timeless machine music across a wide range andcross-pollination of sub-genres. While the linear thrust of 4/4techno is the foundation of Dold’s sound, his recorded work andlive sets equally encompass ambient, IDM, breakbeat andelectro but never fail to deliver consistency with invitingcharacter and charm.

Available for DJ or LIVE set.
Travel from Stockholm ARN if not a share.